
good will hunting?

last week, after hearing about the tornadoes up north and in the mideast, my little brother posted on facebook that he would love to go help out with the disaster relief effort. after a couple of phone calls, i decided i was down for going and we planned a huge trip to go out and aid the folks of el reno and piedmont, oklahoma. needless to say, the trip didn't happen. i don't want to go into detail because i am still a little bit heartbroken that we didn't get to go, but i must say :

*it completely renewed my faith in the inherent goodness of people*

on another note, since this is my blog, i am allowed to write on here WHATEVER it is that i want. and if you don't like it, you do not have to read it. you can simply click that little red X in the corner and pretend that i don't exist. not entirely sure anyone reads this anyhow, but since it is mine, i don't have to apologize for what i will write, either. this blog is not directed at anyone specifically, but everyone generally. if you do feel like this is directed at yourself, then go look in a mirror and perhaps heed the advice offered this time.

alright, so here it goes. i am SOOOOOO tired of people complaining about other people because they believe differently or think differently or act differently or dress differently . . . or anything differently. THIS IS AMERICA, folks! wake up! and if you wanna play religion, then it is called FREE AGENCY. people are allowed to do what they want, when they want, how they want and if it isn't hurting you, then quit complaining about it to me. sometimes i think the only reason i am around is so people can call me and complain to me about what dick or jane did or didn't do or will do or said they would do. cuz honestly, I DON'T CARE.

and it's not that i truly don't care . . . it's just that i have enough going on in my life that i can't worry about someone else's salvation or someone else's actions. what dick or jane do has no direct bearing on me or my happiness. what i am concerned about is the welfare of my (step)children, and how their mamas do their best to keep the kids away from their daddy. and how much his heart hurts cuz he doesn't get to see them, and how much my wallet hurts cuz of child support.

and don't get me wrong, i know that i do my fair share of complaining, but i can also say with great conviction that it's never over someone's physical appearance or what someone said on their facebook status. sometimes, when i get phone calls, i want to ask a pre-screening questionaire to the caller:

a) does this conversation have anything to do with me?
b) are you even going to ask me how my day has been going?
3) do you want a miniature pinscher?

okay, so really -- i don't always wanna ask that last question. only when inspektor or lucky are getting on my nerves. but the first two are always relevant.

however, being the good friend that i am, i rarely say anything to anyone about this. i just let them complain, offer my advice that is often -- if not always -- ignored and take a day off my life for having listened to the negativity. and maybe that is what all of this boils down to . . . negativity.

folks, believe it or not -- i try to be a positive person. i try to uplift and help whenever i can. some days, i admit, i am selfish, but most days are spent looking after the welfare of others. and i honestly don't mind. it's who i am. i enjoy it. but i think everyone reaches a breaking point. and really, i reached that breaking point a few days ago. instead of focusing on the negative in someone, try focusing on the good things they do. focus on their heart. to me, that is the most important thing we can not only do for ourselves, but for others.

**try to see the inherent good in others**

and if you just can't bring yourself to do that today, if everything has you in a crappy mood, if everyone is less than perfect compared to yourself, then give me a call or shoot me a text. i will be there to listen. and offer unwanted advice. but please do me one favor when you call to complain and whatnot:

*ask me how my day is first.*


  1. I read!

    I despise women that pull that shit with their kids. Keeping them from their father because they (meaning the mom) has a grudge against him hurts the kids the most. If he's unfit, fine, keep him away, but otherwise LET YOUR ISSUES GO. Meh. But I guess that falls under the Mind Your Own Business category, doesn't it? lol

  2. I hope you are back to your normal happy self & no one is bringing you down. Love you!
