
Hints, allegations & things left unsaid . . .

So I haven't blogged in a whole minute. I have no real excuse to be quite honest. I'd say I've been busy at work but that would be a lie since I **have no job anymore.** I just finished unpacking my suitcases I've been living out of since I got home from Hell Paso **two weeks ago.** I feel like that's quite an accomplisment, to be quite honest. I still have a huge action packer to unpack but at least I got the shoes out of there. Still need to do laundry. I was looking at my laundry basket the other day and was wondering why it always is full. And when I say always, I really mean it. As I pondered this phenomena, I looked down and realized I was wearing my fourth outfit of the day. **and it was only noon.** Ha!

In other news, I got an iPhone yesterday. I won't get into details about how I procured this particular phone but I must say that **I am completely in lauve with it.** I have always been a staunch BlackBerry fan, to be honest. I have been crazy about my Pearl since I first got it awhile back. But I converted to the iPhone and I'm ashamed to say **I'm a believer** of all the hype now. Matter of fact, I'm blogging from it now! It's amazing. The best thing about it? Scrabble! Yep, on my phone. **Super awesome!**

Gonna start back at Barnes & Noble this week since I got laid off from my main gig. Told them I wouldn't close, though. Hopefully I'll get a few day shifts a week. Best thing about that? I still have my discount. Used it tonight, as a matte of fact! I love that store.

One day soon I'll share more good news with you. **Really good news.** But for now, I'm going to bed. Hitting the gym early tomorrow. Yay!


  1. WHA??!! Good news?! You sure know how to put out a good cliff-hanger.

    So now you're an iPhone worshipper. Just don't ignore your family to play games on it like John does to mine!! Although it sounds like your family wouldn't let you.

    And by the way- you're still recovering. That's your excuse.

  2. Told ya so. I love mine and couldnt imagine another. Theres an AP for that!
