
a whole lotta nothing

it's 402am and i have already been awake for two hours, at work for just over 20 minutes. it's entirely too early to be up, and yet, here i am . . . almost fully functional. of course starbucks isn't open this early, so i'm going to have to rely on good ol' brewed coffee from the office. i was sure to buy the good kind *although NOT starbucks cuz while i love their lattes, their brewed coffee has always tasted burned to me* with the good creamer and the good sugar. hopefully that will last me until starbucks opens and i have a break to drive the 25 minutes back into town to get one. yes, it's almost an hour round trip, but it's so worth it when that triple tall sugarfree vanilla breve latte passes my lips.

i hope things go smoother today than they went yesterday. i was supposed to be off yesterday; that didn't happen. it was 1pm and i was getting ready to make fajitas for dinner. the first shift was heading into work yesterday at 3pm, so i was going to make them in time to send some out with them for daddy to eat. i had pulled out the chicken, was getting ready to chop the vegetables when my phone rang. i saw it was my boss and for a split second, *i thought about not answering it.* but i did . . . and then i had to come into work. i put everything back into the fridge, made myself a sandwich and headed out.

got in at 2pm. wasn't sure why i was called in, to be honest. there really wasn't anything that i could do. i fixed a couple a things but ended up waiting around for a whole lotta nothing. we finally figured out we needed to have a meeting for clarification at some point with the ORSA (the head data guy on the gov't side), but of course he was in meetings for most of the afternoon. we finally roped him into coming over at about 7pm, which put me here until almost 8pm. got home at a quarter til nine, went to bed . . . and laid there. i think it was the anticipation of knowing i had to get up at 2am for work and also being nervous i'd miss my alarm. i fell asleep before 10pm, but not sure of the exact time. either way, when my alarm went off at 2am, *i sure wasn't ready for it.*

and so i'm sitting here in the office, writing about nothing cuz i really have nothing to write about. perhaps today will bring some sort of excitement that i can tell about. highly doubtful, but i'll pretend. and since i don't want this blog to be a complete and total waste, i'll leave you with yet another survey:

What do you consider some perks of being your gender?
*well, there is the obvious, but since my mama and daddy read this, i won't go there. secondly, we can get away with a lot more. although i don't do it often, playing the damsel in distress will get you everywhere. and the third? shopping. i don't think i need to elaborate on that one.

Would you ever get someone's name tattooed on you?
*i have my name tattooed on me, but it's in arabic and one can't really tell what it is. i was young and dumb, i suppose. i would never do it again . . . *any* tattoo, for that matter.

What occupation do you find sexy?

*anything that requires a man to wear a suit. or at least a shirt and tie. that's always been sexy to me.

What is your LEAST favorite type of alcohol?
*liquor. any liquor.

Did you ever have tea parties when you were younger?

*not that i can remember. i was pretty much a boy when i was little, so i was more into football and G.I. Joes than i was into tea parties.

Have you ever shaved someone before?
*no. just my own legs.

Do you know anyone personally who is terminally ill?
*not that i can think of.

What is your favorite line from a movie?
*any line from "the sound of music." i *lovelovelove* that movie.

Would you rather be the opposite sex?
*maybe for a day.

Do you like spending time with your parents?
*love it . . . can't wait to get home to see my mama!

What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl?
*call the cops.

Have you ever gambled?
*yes. once, with leslie. we went to new orleans for mardi gras and gambled at harrah's. on the slot machines. we lost.

What would you NEVER name one of your children?
*i don't plan on having children, so i guess any name will do here.

What is the coolest restaurant you've ever been to?
*hmmm . . . define cool. i'd rather have good food than somewhere "cool" that sucked.

Do you have any analog clocks in your house?
*none that work, i don't think.

What do you do with clothes you've outgrown or don't want anymore?
*give them to my sisters / sisters-in-law.

Where do you go when you want to get a REALLY good sub sandwich?
*i guess either quizno's or subway. i do love jason's deli, though. it is good.

What is the lowest grade you ever received on a report card?
*B, i'm sure.

How often do you go to the bathroom in a day?
*quite a few times. i drink *a lot* of water.

Do you use tobacco products?
*no no no . . . that is *dithguthting.*

What magazine do you read or look through most often?
*women's health, when i'm home.

Do you support local music / artists?
*if they're good, i will.

What style of house would you like to live in?
*whatever. something that i can put my bed in and take a bath in every once in awhile. i'm not incredibly picky.

Would you ever go a week without showering?
*no. never.

If your nails are painted, what color are they?
*either a pink or red of some sort. i'm pretty standard.

When you see a movie based on a book, do you go and read the book?
*i don't watch movies usually; i'd rather just read the book in the first place.

Do you put posters on your bedroom walls?
*not anymore. i think i'm a little too old for that.

Do you use iTunes or do you use another music player?
*iTunes, windows media player, etc. whatever.

Do you flip the channel when commercials come on?
*i DVR. then i fast forward the commercials. otherwise, i mute the TV.

Are there any really gross dishes in your bedroom?
*uh, no . . . i *never* eat in my bedroom.

Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you?
*skin has nothing to do with personality, typically. but yes, i would.

What would you do if your parents caught you drinking?
*i'm old enough to make those decisions.

Do you watch any cartoons?

*only family guy. it makes me laugh.

What was your favorite book as a kid?
*any of the boxcar children books. i LOVED them!

Have you ever lost a house or car key that you never found?
*yep . . . house key, anyway.

If you had lose one of your body parts what would it be?
*i don't think i'd want to lose any of them.


  1. i only do them when i have nothing going on or when i'm stuck at work at 4am and everyone else in the world is sleeping! i'm glad *someone* enjoys them, though!
