
carrots and apples and eggs *oh my*

so in a bid to continue to be healthier, i have been trying very hard to incorporate more foods into my diet that i *should* be eating but have a hard time doing. i already eat fairly healthy [excluding sundays, which i dub as my cheat day] and i workout regularly, too. i also read a lot of women's health magazines. three foods they consistently talk about are carrots, apples and eggs. the problem with that, you ask? i really don't like any of them.

i bought baby carrots the other day while i was at heb. i also went ahead and bought dill dip to go along with them, even though i'm not a huge fan of dill. it was the healthiest of all dips [meaning the least amount of carbs] so i decided that i am a big girl and could make myself like just about anything. so last week, i geared up for the carrots. and i'm not sure if it was just because i was so hungry, but i ate them and hey -- they weren't half bad. so i thought that i had overcome my hatred for carrots. until a few minutes ago.

i brought a package of baby carrots again with the dill dip. i first ate my baked fajita chicken with some ranch dressing [again, only one carb per like 2 teaspoons; i prolly ended up eating way more than that, but i can handle it] and then went in for the carrots and dill dip. i managed to eat two carrots before i almost threw up. it appears i'm definitely not a fan of carrots after all. i wrapped them back up, put them back into my lunchbox and put all of that in the fridge. i will save them for this weekend when i know i'll be watching maddie, cuz she loves carrots.

i guess i'll now move onto apples and eggs. wish me luck on those two things!


  1. Eat the carrots with salt and homemade ranch! So yummy! I can eat carrots with just salt and nothing else! Also, make sure they are COLD! I LOVE carrots!

  2. salt and ranch, huh? two of my favorite things in the *entire* world! however, it's those dang carrots. i can't bring myself to stomach them at all!
